October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. On Saturday, October 28th, the “Shatter the Silence” 5k Walk to place at Watkins Regional Park to raise awareness on the issue in Prince George’s County. There were powerful speeches from survivors of domestic violence, as well as the loved ones of those who have suffered in attendance. It was truly an uplifting event. Here are a few common myths and truths on domestic violence in the United States according to www.princegeorgescounty.gov:
1 in 4 women are victims of domestic violence. It affects approximately one million people in the U.S. every year and 85% of victims are women.
Abusers make a conscious decision to abuse. Loss of temper is a tool to enforce control through fear, and it's part of a pattern of abuse.
Battering is not a mental illness or an anger management issue, but a learned behavioral choice. People who use physical force do so to maintain power and control in relationships. Many abusers grew up in homes where they were abused or witnessed abuse.
Domestic violence is a genderless issue. Men can be victims as well.
Remember, you are not alone. If you know someone who is a victim of domestic violence, report it! Call 211 in Prince George’s County for assistance.